Colour in Java... or Color in Java !

Class Color

The Color class is used encapsulate colors in the default sRGB color space or colors in arbitrary color spaces identified by a ColorSpace. Every color has an implicit alpha value of 1.0 or an explicit one provided in the constructor. The alpha value defines the transparency of a color and can be represented by a float value in the range 0.0 - 1.0 or 0 - 255. An alpha value of 1.0 or 255 means that the color is completely opaque and an alpha value of 0 or 0.0 means that the color is completely transparent. When constructing a Color with an explicit alpha or getting the color/alpha components of a Color, the color components are never premultiplied by the alpha component.
The default color space for the Java 2D(tm) API is sRGB, a proposed standard RGB color space.

Class ColorSpace

A Standard Default Color Space for the Internet - sRGB


An implementation of the abstract ColorSpace class. This representation of device independent and device dependent color spaces is based on the International Color Consortium Specification ICC.1:1998-09
