RotationInterpolator example code

Create a TransformGroup to animate

TransformGroup myGroup = new TransformGroup( );

Create an alpha generator

Alpha upRamp = new Alpha( );
upRamp.setIncreasingAlphaDuration( 10000 );
upRamp.setLoopCount( -1 ); // loop forever

Create and set up a rotation interpolator

RotationInterpolator mySpinner = new RotationInterpolator( upRamp, myGroup );
mySpinner.setAxisOfRotation( new Transform3D( ) );
mySpinner.setMinimumAngle( 0.0f );
mySpinner.setMaximumAngle( (float)(Math.PI * 2.0) );

Set the scheduling bounds and add it to the scene

mySpinner.setSchedulingBounds( bounds );
myGroup.addChild( spinner );