Transform3D Class Methods : Helpers (2)

void setTranslation( Vector3d trans )
void setRotation( AxisAngle4d axang )
void setRotation( Matrix3d rot )
void setEuler( Vector3d rollPitchYaw )
void setScale( double scale )



public void lookAt(Point3d eye, Point3d center, Vector3d up)

Helping function that specifies the position and orientation of a view matrix. The inverse of this transform can be used to control the ViewPlatform object within the scene graph.
eye - the location of the eye
center - a point in the virtual world where the eye is looking
up - an up vector specifying the frustum's up direction


AxisAngle4f(float x, float y, float z, float angle)

Constructs and initializes a AxisAngle4f from the specified xyzw coordinates.

AxisAngle4f(Vector3f axis, float angle)

Constructs and initializes an AxisAngle4f from the specified axis and angle.