Bowman’s Design Guidelines

·       After numerous experiments using different combinations from his proposed taxonomy Bowman derives the following guidelines for developing user interaction in a VE:


·       General

o     Natural metaphors may not be the most effective

o     Provide redundant interaction techniques


·       Travel Techniques

o     For simple movement, target based locomotion is simplest

o     Avoid the use of teleportation; use smooth movement

o     Steering techniques can lead to disorientation; context information should be provided

o     Limit the degrees of freedom where possible to reduce cognitive overload


·       Selection Techniques

o     Use ray-casting for speedy selection of remote objects

o     Make sure object selection allows appropriate object manipulation

o     Maximise perceived size of objects


·       Manipulation Techniques

o     Limit the degrees of freedom if possible

o     Allow direct manipulation with a Virtual Hand

o     Avoid frequent scaling of the environment

o     Use aides for depth manipulation