To describe and animate 3D scenes using a scene graph

J3D.ORG - Tutorials - Performance Guide J3D1.3
Java 3D API Tutorial
Sun Java3D tutorial
The Java 3D Graphics Community
community site put together by a bunch of volunteers to encourage more sharing of information among the members of Java community interested in doing 3D graphics work
3DEL: Java
34 rendering engines written in Java
java opengl binding. JOGL provides full access to the APIs in the OpenGL 2.0 specification as well as nearly all vendor extensions, and integrates with the AWT and Swing widget sets.
java3d: Java 3D Parent Project
UNTEH - Services - Knowledge Base - JSR-184
statements showing how one can optimise Java3D performance
J3D.ORG - File Loader Archives
File loaders perform the job of taking a file or stream and turning that into a Java 3D scenegraph
Java Media 3D APIs
Introduction to Programming with Java 3D
The Best tutorial on Java3D
CyberToolbox for Java3D is an authoring tool for Java2 and Java3D platforms. The CyberToolbox based on a scene graph of VRML97, however has a visual programming language with a original event model that is different form VRML97 to create good behaviors
Killer Game Programming in Java
Great online book on Java
Evaluation of Java 3D for mobile platforms with M3G

Copyright 1994-2009
Pascal Vuylsteker

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