Geographic Information System

Pascal's Page - Where I've Been
Immobilier - Annonces immobilières - Particuliers et professionnels
Spileoparc, annuaire des parcs de loisirs
LinkedIn: Answers: What do you want from ‘Local Search’ on your mobile
GISLook - A Quick Look plugin for GIS data for Mac OS X
(apple - gis - mac - macosx - sig)
Server IP Location Lookup
Musée du Quai Branly, Jean Nouvel | Paris | France | MIMOA
Walk Score - How walkable is your house?
Geospatial air du temps by Géo212
(blog - france - gis - sig)
OGE - Ordre des Géomètres-Experts
Canberra by Suburbs
Mpa of Canberra
Get your track from a GPS to a Mac
(apple - garmin - gis - gps - gpx - mac - macosx)
Eildon Place, Duffy, Canberra, Act, Australia :: ZoomIn
Download JGrass
JGrass, a Java based framework for the GRASS Geographic Information System
Open Geodata
(geo - gis - gps)
Planet Geospatial
(blog - gis)
Human Interface Technology New Zealand
Augmented Reality (AR) system to work in an outdoor environment. The work is in a challenging area of AR research concentrating on sensor integration to develop stable position and orientation of the user's head pose to allow correctly registered overlay
O'Reilly Where 2.0 Conference - June 29-30, 2005 - San Francisco, CA
iCampus: Projects: placeMap
placeMap [building community through active context mapping]
Panedia Homepage
Mozilla Labs » Blog Archive » Introducing Geode
Activeworlds Maps
Citysense - Powered by Sense Networks
Me & My Friends -
Reverse Geocoding
Were are the twitters comming from ?
localisation géographique temps réel gsm gps gprs
Service de Géolocalisation en France
ACT Planning and Land Authority
Mobilostore - Fiche produit : GSM Motorola MPX220 + GPS TOM TOM MOBILE 5
GPS + Telephone Mobile
London Air Quality Network » 3-D Map of Air Pollution in London
NASA World Wind
World Wind is open source Windows software that lets you zoom from satellite altitude into any place on Earth
Geographic Information System: Definition and Much More From
| Quelques Definitions
Map Gallery - a photoset on Flickr
Garmin iQue 3600 Review
(garmin - gis - gps - palm)
location-formats - Microformats
list of previous efforts at location / geographic ("Geo") data formats and protocols, as background research for developing a location format. Technology | Stalker tech
ART+COM - Invisible Shape of Things Past
Spacialisation of a Video // Transformation d'une video en un objet 3D
TimeMap Open Source Consortium

Copyright 1994-2009
Pascal Vuylsteker

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