- Pascal's Page - Where I've Been
- Immobilier - Annonces immobilières - Particuliers et professionnels
- Spileoparc, annuaire des parcs de loisirs
- LinkedIn: Answers: What do you want from ‘Local Search’ on your mobile
- GISLook - A Quick Look plugin for GIS data for Mac OS X
- Server IP Location Lookup
- Musée du Quai Branly, Jean Nouvel | Paris | France | MIMOA
- Walk Score - How walkable is your house?
- Geospatial air du temps by Géo212
- OGE - Ordre des Géomètres-Experts
- Canberra by Suburbs
- Mpa of Canberra
- LoadMyTracks
- Get your track from a GPS to a Mac
- Eildon Place, Duffy, Canberra, Act, Australia :: ZoomIn
- Download JGrass
- JGrass, a Java based framework for the GRASS Geographic Information System
- Open Geodata
- Planet Geospatial
- del.icio.us/inbox/starhill_blend
- Human Interface Technology New Zealand
- Augmented Reality (AR) system to work in an outdoor environment. The work is in a challenging area of AR research concentrating on sensor integration to develop stable position and orientation of the user's head pose to allow correctly registered overlay
- plazes.beta
- O'Reilly Where 2.0 Conference - June 29-30, 2005 - San Francisco, CA
- iCampus: Projects: placeMap
- placeMap [building community through active context mapping]
- Panedia Homepage
- http://www.spileo.fr/
- Mozilla Labs » Blog Archive » Introducing Geode
- Activeworlds Maps
- Citysense - Powered by Sense Networks
- Me & My Friends - brightkite.com
- Reverse Geocoding
- twittermap
- Were are the twitters comming from ?
- localisation géographique temps réel gsm gps gprs
- Service de Géolocalisation en France
- ACT Planning and Land Authority
- Mobilostore - Fiche produit : GSM Motorola MPX220 + GPS TOM TOM MOBILE 5
- GPS + Telephone Mobile
- London Air Quality Network » 3-D Map of Air Pollution in London
- NASA World Wind
- World Wind is open source Windows software that lets you zoom from satellite altitude into any place on Earth
- Geographic Information System: Definition and Much More From Answers.com
- | Quelques Definitions
- Map Gallery - a photoset on Flickr
- Garmin iQue 3600 Review
- location-formats - Microformats
- list of previous efforts at location / geographic ("Geo") data formats and protocols, as background research for developing a location format.
- Salon.com Technology | Stalker tech
- ART+COM - Invisible Shape of Things Past
- Spacialisation of a Video // Transformation d'une video en un objet 3D
- TimeMap Open Source Consortium