The Rendering Equation (à la Kajiya - Siggraph 86)

An attempt to unify rendering so that all rendering had a basic model as a basis.


This is of course a recursive definition !

Complexity => practical solution are aproximations

View Independant statement of the problem

we can rewrite this equation as
where R is the linear integral operator

rearranging terms gives:


Local Reflection Models


only first 2 terms are used

X is the eyepoint

the g(epsilon) term is non-zero only for light sources

R1 operates on (epsilon) rather than g, so shadows are not computed

Basic Ray Tracing


  • by performing transformations outlined on page 293 of the text, we get

    The Extended Two-Pass Algorithm (Sillion 1989)


  • uses the rendering equation as the basis
  • does not place the restriction Wollace does of making specular surfaces perfect planar mirrors

    The general equation used is:

  • the visibility function g is incorporated into the reflection operator R.
    p(x, x', x'') = pd(x') + ps(x, x', x'')
    bidirectional   diffuse    specular

    In the first pass, extended form factors are used to compute diffuse to diffuse interaction that has any number of specular transfers inbetween

    extended form factors: Diffuse - specular* - diffuse

    The 2nd pass uses standard ray tracing to compute specular transfer
