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The Science Show: 4 March  2006  - Evolution, intelligent design or pastafarianism?
In light of the recent American court ruling that intelligent design is not science and should not be taught in school science programs, Guy Nolch looks into a descendent of intelligent design: a movement called The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
USC-MSA Compendium of Muslim Texts
The Science Show: 4 March  2006  - Intelligent design is not science
Eugenie Scott, of the National Center for Science Education welcomed the recent court ruling that intelligent design cannot be taught as science, as in the judge's opinion intelligent design is 'creationism in disguise'. Even so, she warns that intelligen
The Science Show: 18 February  2006  - The anthropic universe
Quand la science de l'univers propose des modeles de science fiction.

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Pascal Vuylsteker

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