YouTube - Ultra-wide screen Virtual Earth 3D (Carleton U. in Ottawa)
Optimised for Human sight
Force Dynamics
Panorama Projection
MetaVR real-time PC-based 3D visual simulation
UM-VRL: Information Resources on the WWW
Information Resources on the World Wide Web. Virtual Reality Laboratory.
Jerry Isdale's What Is VR?
A computer mediated, 3D environment with viewer control over viewpoint (position, orientation, zoom) Presentation is primarily visual, possibly augmented with audio, haptics, etc.
UM-VRL: Virtual Reality: A Short Introduction
The University of Michigan Virtual Reality Laboratory (VRL) at the College of Engineering presente a short introduction of VR
Virtual Reality
This Blog is designed to act as a space for me and others to discuss current trends and other aspects of Virtual Reality.
VR-architect : Web and Internet site Management, Virtual Reality and ManyPage
Panberra : Panorama in Canberra, ManyPage : a web publication engine, MiniHooVR : a mini Yahoo, Presentation of Pascal Vuylsteker's expertise and offer in the field of panoramic photography and QTVR, A tool designed to help the dressing of a web site. By
Virtual Worlds Connect
Google Directory - Computers > Virtual Reality > Multi-User Systems
Welcome to the MOVES Institute — MOVES Institute
Overture - Through the Looking Glass
A great timeline
NCSA : Introducing Virtual Environments
Virtual Reality / VR and 3D graphics resource - VResources
an affiliate web site of Virtual Simulations Inc. were you will find the latest information about virtual reality, 3D computer graphics, data visualisation (Viz-Sim) and related technologies
CNMA Graduate Student Blogs

Copyright 1994-2009
Pascal Vuylsteker

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