Apple, MacOSX

Mac OS X keyboard shortcuts
Technical Note TN2218: Compressing QuickTime Movies for the Web - Le guide d'achat des Mac d'Apple
⌘+⇧+L and other useful OS X hidden features « How good is that?
Download and Install aircrack-ng version 0.9.3 on Mac OS X
25 Beautiful Macro Photography Shots | Monday Inspiration | Smashing Magazine
DigiBarn TV Feature: The Knowledge Navigator concept piece by Apple (1987) after Alan Kay
iPhone Video Recorder - DreamCatcher Official Site
Les applications Internet riches se traînent sur Mac
objective-cocoa - Accueil
HoudahGPS - GPS connectivity for the Mac
Get your track from a GPS to a Mac
Vara Software : Wirecast
SMIL Scripting Guide for QuickTime: QuickTime SMIL Extensions
QuickTime JavaScript Ref
Apple - Support - Mac 1 2 3 - Tout pour le travail et le jeu
Universe / by Jonathan Harris
QuickTime Playback Compatibility Chart - audio- and video codecs, formats, JavaScript support
Download ffmpegX a DVD, SVCD, VCD, CVD, VOB, DivX, XviD, H.264, PSP, iPod, MP4, MOV encoder for Mac OSX
Apple - QuickTime - Tutorials - Including QuickTime In A Web Page
Interactive Movies: QuickTime SMIL Extensions in Detail
SMIL avec les extensions apple
Miro - free, open source internet tv and video player
Parallels Desktop for Mac : Lunapark6
rencontré lors du barcamp Paris 4
Kicktam Info Page : QuickTime seeding mlist
MAMP - Mac - Apache - MySQL - PHP
BigNerdRanch Products
Discovering 3ivxCrush
Developing Applications With The QuickTime For Cocoa Kit
CocoaDev: CustomNSButton
Apple - QuickTime - Tutorials - Text descriptors -- Integrating QuickTime with Cocoa
Ambrai Smalltalk
Google Software Downloads for the Mac
ZigZig Software - ZigVersion
Version Control interface for Mac developers that works with Subversion
MacGPS Pro by James Associates Inc.
Mac Geekery - Get your geek on.
CocoaDialog is an OS X application that allows the use of common GUI controls such as file selectors, text input, progress bars, yes/no confirmations and more with a command-line application. It requires no knowledge of Cocoa, and is ideal for use in shel
Graphics & Imaging Quartz Technical Q&As the central source for Quartz Composer :: Downloads
Lots of great Quartz Composer composition
MacWeb3D - Your Resource for Web3D and Virtual Worlds on the Macintosh.
Le portail du web 3d pour le Mac
Cortona VRML Client for Mac OS X - Web 3D Products - ParallelGraphics (a 3D VRML company)
MacGeneration - Group Map by Frappr Groups
Lecteur de MacG sur une googleMap
QuickTime VR
Everything about QuickTime VR, from the designer : Apple
Color Management Overview: Introduction to Color Management Overview
general introduction to the basics of color and color management
The Visible Human Viewer
One of the first great success of the Web
the Java on Mac page (the original from 1996)
provide some help to Java developers for the Mac platform; in particular libraries and tips for Java Macintosh programmers.
ineen - free voip, video and instant messaging that's easy to use
communicate using Voice, Video and Instant Messaging / Mac and PC
Apple - iTunes - Podcasts - Technical Specification
Technical Note TN2065: do shell script in AppleScript
Notes on using
minivmac []
Creating a Mac-on-Stick using Mini vMac
Login to Apple Bug Reporter
Report Bugs to Apple
iMagine Photo
Read and write exif metadata with applescript
ExifTool by Phil Harvey A Brief Introduction to GPS Photo Linking
Mac-based GPS photo linking
MemoryMiner - Software
Gestionnaire de mémoire familiale
/trunk/Samples/SequenceGrabber/ (non-XSLT)
e2xo - Plaxo for your Mac, a better alternative to .Mac
Plaxo is a free connected Address Book. Your contacts, calendar, tasks and notes: Access them online.
Postfix Enabler
Mac OS X Tools for Palm Development (USB TCP Bridge)
Creating a set of tools for Palm developers working on Mac OS X.
Softchaos - Webstractor Overview
(mac - proxy - web)
Other World Computing: OS X for Legacy Macs
(apple - old - osx)
MailTags 1.0 - Meta Data Plugin for Apple Mail.App
SSH Tunnel manager
From Tynsoe projects
Mac OS X Apps for Power Users and Unix Switchers - Home
(blog - mac - macosx - osx)
Mac OS X speed FAQ | applescript and script resource
10 tips for using Mac OS X like a pro | General, Terminal | Mac OS X Tips
Synchroniser un téléphone Sony Ericsson avec Mac OS X
Cocoa Text System - Default System Key Bindings
GanttProject for Mac - Plan projects using Gantt charts. MacUpdate Mac Product Mangement Software Downloads
Outil de gestion de projet sur Mac
» Download free trial PhotoToolCM for Macintosh
Cappuccino Web Framework
GISLook - A Quick Look plugin for GIS data for Mac OS X
(apple - gis - mac - macosx - sig) - Socializing for nerds
Runtime wars (2): Apple’s answer to Flash, Silverlight and JavaFX « counternotions
Apple - Thoughts on Music » Ne peut pas être Apple ou Google qui veut…
shootShifter 1.0
Réparation de Mac
Interactive Movies: QuickTime and SMIL Whatever Happened to QuickTime?
Mac OS X: What Are All Those Processes?
Gete.Net Consulting : l'Expertise Macintosh
DV - Reviews - Transcoder Roundup
Dream Recorder
Interactive Movies: QuickTime and SMIL
Apple - QuickTime - Streaming Server - Frequently Asked Questions
Enterprise Java on Mac OS X
gdata-objectivec-client - Google Code
Apple - Thoughts on Music
(apple - drm - job) - GPS Automator Actions Project details for OpenVRML
Use ?WhatYouAreLookingFor ...
ClamXav - The FREE Virus Scanner for Mac OS X
Using Ruby on Rails for Web Development on Mac OS X
CocoaDev: ButtonWithThreeStatesAndTwoAlternateImages
Technical Note TN2138: QTKit Frequently Asked Questions
QTKit Frequently Asked Questions
QTkit -- Integrating QuickTime with Cocoa
Apple Human Interface Guidelines: Keyboard Shortcuts Quick Reference
Free & Mac
AppleTalk Australia - AppleTalk Australia (Powered by Invision Power Board)
Get your track from a GPS to a Mac
(apple - garmin - gis - gps - gpx - mac - macosx)
Landscape Viewer SOLA
a converter program for both Windows and Mac that takes any old W3D (Shockwave), 3DS and DXF (AutoDesk) and OBJ (Wavefront) file and turns it into KML fit for Google Earth.
CamelBones, an Objective-C/Perl bridge for Mac OS X & GNUStep - Home
when all you really want to do is provide a Aqua interface to a Perl script you've already written.
Apple Lists Search:
Core Image Quartz Composer compositions from Sam Kass's Blog
Font Management - Simple, Smart, Free - Linotype FontExplorer X
3D-Online: The Web 3D Experts
A java based vrml/x3d browser/applet
Kinkless | Simple tools.
A set of applescrip to Omnioutliner to manage task according to the Get Things Done Method
MacDeveloper: Marketplace for Mac Users
Find a developer or a client for developing on the Mac
QuickTime VR: Creating QTVR Panoramas
Apple Tutorial
Molecular Expressions: Science, Optics and You - Secret Worlds: The Universe Within - Interactive Java Tutorial
View the Milky Way at 10 million light years from the Earth
gerard ziemski projects page JOGL
JOGL for the Mac
Yahoo! Messenger - Macintosh Version
Yahoo! Messenger for Mac OS est compatible Mac/PC
L'Aventure Apple : Chronologies : Apple et les virus
QuickTime - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Apple released the first version of QuickTime on December 2, 1991 as a multimedia add-on for System 6 and later. The lead developer of QuickTime, Bruce Leak, ran the first public demonstration at the May 1991 Worldwide Developers Conference, where he play
AppleScript Documentation
AppleScript is Apple's native scripting technology. It enables users to directly control applications, and parts of the Mac OS, by creating sets of English-like instructions, or scripts. Developers can make both Carbon and Cocoa applications scriptable.
Reading and writing image file exif metadata
XMeeting / OhPhoneX
LyX WikiWiki - LyX.Mac
Latex GUI
(latex - lyx - mac)
TWiki . Documentation . StaffCUPSPrinting
Staff CUPS Printing
Serpentine- Bienvenue
une autre maniere de voir les transports publics : Minibus recevant son energie par radiation | Another option for public transports : Small buses powered by electric energy radiated from the ground / Managed by MacOSX
Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger : Page 16
OTEE: Made By You!
macosxhints - Get the most from X!
PPPoE Server for Testing
use Mac OS X as a PPPoE server for testing
Veoh : virtual television network, that is able to distribute TV-Quality, Full-Screen broadcast video
★ The Joy of Tech! ★
Xfile: The Unix file browser for OS X.
TextMate: The Missing Editor for OS X
Google redesigned by a MacOSX user
Google Maps of Apple Cupertino
Apple - Software - AppleScript - Resources
Apple web site for AppleScript

Copyright 1994-2009
Pascal Vuylsteker

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